Principles behind Run Walk Run:
• Continuous use of a muscle will result in quicker fatigue
• The longer the run segment, the more fatigue
• Run Walk Run is a form of interval training
• Conservation of resources
• Quicker recovery
• Less stress on the “weak links”
• Ability to enjoy endorphins
• Reduce core body temperature
The Galloway Run Walk Run method
• A smart way to run – by giving you congnitive control over each workout.
• Allows you to carry on all of your life activities – even after long runs
• Motivates beginners to get off of the couch and run
• Bestows running joy to non-stop runners who had given up
• Helps improve finish times in all races
• Gives all runners control over fatigue
• Delivers all of the running enhancements without exhaustion or pain
Why do some runners have trouble taking walk breaks?
Research has shown that the lessons in the early school years are powerfully embedded in the subconscious brain. While it is natural to feel anxious and then receive negative hormones when we depart from these hard-wired patterns, concious actions can re-train this ancient brain. The cognitive focus on specific run segments/set amount of walks can hard-wire new patterns into the reflex brain. This gives you control over your attitude as you feel the positive results from using strategic walk breaks. Through the use of mantras and systematic actions, you empower the concious brain to take control. This frontal lobe component can over-ride the subconcious brain and retrain it to accept and embrace Run Walk Run.
Walk breaks…
• Speed you up: an average of 7 minutes faster in a 13.1 mile race when non-stop runners
shift to the correct Run Walk Run ratio – and more than 13 minutes faster in the marathon
• Give you control over the way you feel during and after
• Erase fatigue
• Push back your wall of exhaustion or soreness
• Allow for endorphins to collect during each walk break
• Break up the distance into manageable units
• Speed recovery
• Reduce the chance of aches, pains and injury
• Allow older or heavier runners to recover fast, and feel as good as in the younger (slimmer) days
• Activate the frontal lobe – maintaining your control over attitude and motivation
So about 3 years ago I settled into run for 5 minutes and walk for 1 minute. I have no trouble running again. Even when I'm exhausted I just lean forward and start slow and I usually settle into a pretty good pace. Once in a while when I'm having one of those "I could run forever" runs then I'll go longer without walking. When I'm running a race I space them out a little farther and usually save them for the uphill. I've been told I would have much faster times if I didn't walk, but I've passed many runners that take off before me. I'm hoping that it helps reduce my injuries as I get Plus, lets face it, I'm not going to be breaking any records and with running I'm my only competition.
So the confession is done. If I'm walking, it doesn't mean I'm exhausted or quitting, but I'm just taking a walk break. My walk breaks aren't slow either. I try to keep them around a pace 15-16 min/miles.
Saturday was my long run. Long runs are slow runs and I make sure and keep my pace down and take my walk breaks. I started at 9am and I ran at the parkway on the south side of Salt Lake City. I wanted to avoid the road but I wanted to run on asphalt. It was only 72 degrees but within an hour it felt like 90 degrees. It was only 75, but I think with no clouds, sun shining and black asphalt it was hot hot hot. My pace goal was about 10:30 - 11:00 minute/miles. I was a little slower but certainly ok with that. I ran according to perceived effort and tried to stay in a comfortable, easy to breath pace.
11 miles
in 2:03:05
11:11 min/miles
HR average
My piriformis has been a pain in my ass (badumpump) for weeks. It eases with ibuprofen, foam rolling and stretching. I'm not sure why it is now affecting my entire leg but I'm taking regular ibuprofen, rolling twice a day, icing and stretching A LOT. I'll go a couple of days without running and see how it eases up.
I forgot how much these compression sleeves feel oh so nice!
They felt amazing!
They even matched my tank. BTW..I love this tank!
AND it's on sale for 16.99 online, right now!! I love it because it's loose, breathable and I love purple.
Have you tried compression sleeves?
Do you ever take walk breaks?
Blog on...........
I definitely take walk breaks but, I need to be more like you and space mine out better.
ReplyDeleteOh I totally take walk breaks, usually while marathon training. I walk every mile for 1 minute. This works well during racing as well since most water stations are at mile markers. I don't think you are much faster without walking. I actually think walk breaks help to keep a steady pace longer, plus mentally it feels so much better to run 26x 1 mile than 26 miles in one stretch.