Today was a intervals/speed day. I have a love/hate relationship with speed work. Best part is being done, but I love the way it makes running at tempo pace feel easy. I am in a constant state of changing up my training. The basics are the same, but in the past I have always just stepped out for a run and throwing in a long run occasionally and TADA! I was done. In the past 2 months I've really been stepping it up and trying to find what is best for me. So I did more interval research and decided to do 6X400's. I probably would have done 8, but I had an early meeting before my shift started and it takes a lot to drag my butt out of bed sometimes. This is the first time I've done speed work at this altitude and I sure felt it.
Plan was to run 400 meters fast and then a 400 meter cool down walk/jog.
Easy .30mile warm up (to the nearest flat, long road)
Speed times
1- 1:54:86
2- 1:59:25
3- 2:03:19
4- 2:02:51
5- 1:58:49
6- 2:00:82
Total time including cool down walk: 38:09 minutes
Max HR: 171
Fastest pace 7:06 min/miles
Burned 363 calories
Not bad.?. I didn't have a goal time for the 400's. This evening I was reading more about short intervals to boost speed in Runners World. There was a couple of workouts listed in the article, "The Fast Lane" that I would like to try out. They were a little more detailed in how fast to run each interval and longer too. I do like to mix it up.
Unfortunately that was the highlight of my day. Patient transports are way down this month and we are just slow. So after my meeting I made breakfast and started icing the foot.
I forgot my ace wrap, but not my ice. Nothing a little two inch tape won't fix. I love my bright socks. There is no way to see them when I'm working and they make me smile. In the winter I have to wear warm thick socks so I'm taking advantage of the clown look. My heel wasn't feeling that great this morning and I actually iced and massaged it twice. Once before a nap, and once after a nap. Something about watching the Olympics that makes me doze off.
Some would think that it is an awesome job you have when you can nap. I can't disagree, but I can disagree when I spend two weeks up in Rock Springs and not one flight. We have a nice apartment to stay in and the weather has been awesome for running but I think I'll loose my mind if it doesn't pick up soon. We are also limited on what we can do, because we have to be ready to leave as soon as we get a call.
Great news - I get to read about running all day long!
Better news - I'll start rotor training next month!
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