Running today. Five miles on the treadmill, 3 miles at half marathon pace. The workout was good.
Went to run at the gym. I grabbed a bottle of water from the freezer and since I hate the all the condensation I threw on one of my hand crocheted cozy's.
Was able to get my favorite locker at the gym....tee hee.
Showing off my new purple Lululemon shorts. I really really like them. Even though I'm a little bloated from yesterdays Hot Mess, they are really comfortable. I am surprised how nice the back is, seems just a bit longer for coverage. Good thing, since the price is a tear jerker. They are the Turbo Shorts.
They are for running. I had to go home and change so I could go to yoga. Again, this exercise thing is confusing. But we all know we can't wear running clothes to Yoga. These shorts have a zipper on the back and that is PAINFUL during Yoga or Pilates.

Dinner with two of my munchkins. A delicious sushi dinner. It was nice to spend some time with them before I leave for work tomorrow.
Here comes the TMI.
I have some bills I really want to get paid off. I've been chipping away at them for the last 3 years and have made minimal progress. I have decided to really set my mind to getting them out of my life. Working overtime is helping but i've had to make some additional sacrifices. One of them is the ...umm....waxing sacrifice. So I bought my own sugar wax and did it myself. I'm feeling pretty successful! The strips are washable and this is where they were this morning, drying. I've also looked into dying my own hair. I can't quite commit to that yet, so I'm sporting the grey look. Keeping up this old body is exhausting!!
Blog on........................
I've been eyeing up those purple shorts...would love a pair!