Just before it was going to be too late to fly....we got a call on Saturday!
I may or may not have been BEAMING with excitement!! I can't even tell you how grateful I am to my team Nicole, Brent and Brock for teaching me the ways of the rotor wing and giving me sweet experiences.
Actually I don't think I stopped smiling for at least a day. I was able to do the walk around (we walk around the aircraft while it is spinning and check for any open doors, loose dilly wops (not a technical term), leaking fluid, etc. Safety first and I am really taking note of the little things. We had to fly for about an hour, it was after sunset but the moon was full and the mountains were gorgeous. The patient pick up, packaging and loading went well and on our way back to the UofU we stopped at the Provo airport for gas....errrrr 30 gallons of fuel WITH. The crew told me what to do to assist the fuel pumping guy and I got to stand outside the helicopter, under the spinning blades and do what I was suppose to do. Of course there were a few feedback items on debrief, but overall I did good and will do better next time. Standing under the blades freaks me out, but I trusted my crew. We have lots of fun but when "shit gets real" or it has to do with safety there is zero room for shenanigans. Plus, while I was standing there. I watched the BYU football team unload their plane. Sorry boys, awesome award went to me....because I was in way cool helicopter! Boom.
Pt was unloaded and handed over to the medical team in the hospital and we were in a rush for a quick turnaround (pilots time out). I grabbed this awesome photo before I jumped in.
I get paid for this.
Much responsibility comes with the job but so does a lot of satisfaction!
One flight down in my Rotor Wing Orientation! I'll be in Ogden tomorrow if you have a need for some critical care transport!
Sunday was my family party. Halloween!
My brothers girls. The baby niece wouldn't look at the phone for a pic, so I flipped it around and took pictures of her, looking at herself. Then I included big sissy. Beautiful girls!
I dressed as a candy striper (stripper???) does not sound right.
It was a costume in our costume box and I wore it over my compression pants and a t shirt. I'm standing next to my son Jake. He's not dressed up, that's how he rolls.
I'm getting ready to run today. Haven't decided how far but it will be a "take it easy" maybe 6 miles. I'll post the recap. I suspect my foot will hurt, but I also think I'll do fine. I took a whole week off after the half marathon, so I'm itching to get some time in. I'm wearing my new pink shoes too. YES!!
How do you train with races close together? (I have the Ragnar in 1.5 weeks)
I am playing it by ear and listening to my foot and my body.
Blog on......................
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