Friday, December 28, 2012

Packing and a sneaky New Year!

I had to refer back to this post.

Ragnar Packing List

Actually at first I had forgotten that I had written it, but when I sat down to make my packing list last night I remembered.  Whew!  

I did have to say goodbye to this gem:
I paid 3.00 for it at Savers and I'm sure I got my moneys worth.  
Four Ragnars Later...

I used silk tape to make it home from Vegas.  I thought I would hit Savers and see if they have something to replace it.  If not, I may be using some of my duct tape to revive it for a couple more Ragnars.

I can't believe it's already going to be 2013!  It feels great!  I rarely do New Years Resolutions but with all the changes going on in my life I have thought about it.  I haven't actually come up with any realistic ones, but it definitely runs through my head.  

If I had my druthers....

I would take a travel nursing job in New York City.  I would spend every Monday night at the Iridium Jazz club and my days off running through Central Park.  I wouldn't have a car, but just a Metro Pass.  Any extra time would be spent wandering the city, exploring and enjoying the craziness! I could simplify and totally de-junk my life.  

It's not a totally unreasonable goal.  First I need to finish raising my kids.  My youngest is 17 and he deserves at least a little time with a parent around to "guide" (nag) him.   Then I have my dogs.  I could never leave them.  Reality is, they are both getting older and they won't live forever.  Lastly, I have a dream job!  I know that there are other flight nursing jobs, but I need to throw in at least a few years before I can consider moving.  

Maybe I'll just put it on the, "in 5 years" list.   A girl can dream!

Today I am off to spend my gift cards at Lululemon!  Then stop by Trader Joes for my favorite simmer sauce and Savers to look for a new Ragnar bag. 

Do you make yearly resolutions??

Blog on.................

1 comment:

  1. What a great 5 year goal! I think it is important to have long-term goals, that keeps us motivated and going.
